Wednesday, June 15

The Heavy Lofty

I do not feel much like cooking these days. I am busy preparing myself for surgery, which is occurring later this month. I am more attuned to putting on weight (about ten pounds) as opposed to putting on airs. Post operation, I am thinking that I will be on an intravenous (liquid) and body fat diet for a while. Minus the potbelly with overstretched abdomen muscles, I would say that I have a svelte physique. I have the potential to emaciate very quickly.

To feast on myself properly, I will need to build body mass. To build such mass, I have been eating cereal, pasta, rice, fruits, and meat, as well as bread in the form of hoagies, pancakes (and sausage), peanut butter and jelly--chocolate chip cookies.

I am putting together my post-op at home menu, which will consist of repeater meals: pasta sauce, cassoulet, and quick fish fillet concoctions. There may be some specialty dishes with kielbasa. These meals will be portion-packaged and placed in the freezer for consumption once back from the hospital, during my extended absence from work.

Here is a recipe that I might consider as a reputable repeater, reminding me at the very least that I need some cheese and chops.

Inclusion Is Possible
    -- Olive Oil
    -- Shiitake Mushrooms (julienne, sauteed)
    -- Pepperoncini (rings)
    -- Strawberries (frozen, chopped)

Pork Knuckle Chop (skillet-grilled)
Olive Oil

Wheat Couscous
Mustard Oil

Cheese: Cheddar (cubed, microwaved)
Inclusion Is Possible

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